Translation agency Filoloog price list
You can find prices for translation of the main languages in the price list, but we translate significantly more languages. Ask quoteif the language direction you want is not listed in the price list below.
The minimum volume of a written translation is 0.5 pages. The prices for written translation are given per 1 standard page, plus VAT (22%).
For written translation, the price is calculated based on a standard page of the translation text in the target language. In Europe, a common standard page is 1,800 characters including spaces, or 30 lines, 60 characters per line.
If the text is on a computer, the text size can be easily determined in Microsoft Word: Tools > Word Count > Characters with spaces and dividing this number by 1800 will give you the translation size.
The price of the interpretation service is per hour or 60 minutes.
The price for layout/design is given for 1 A4 page.
Language direction | Price (€) excluding VAT |
Price (€) incl. VAT |
Estonian-Russian/English-Estonian | 10.90 | 13.30 |
Estonian-Finnish/German-Estonian | 11.50 | 14.03 |
Estonian-Swedish-Estonian | 15.90 | 19.40 |
Estonian-Polish-Estonian | 16.90 | 20.62 |
Estonian/English-Latvian-Estonian/English | 16.00 | 19.52 |
Estonian-Lithuanian-Estonian | 18.00 | 21.96 |
Estonian-French/Italian/Spanish-Estonian | 17.90 | 21.84 |
Estonian-Norwegian-Estonian | 21.00 | 25.62 |
English-Russian-English | 14.00 | 17.08 |
English-Swedish-English | 19.90 | 24.28 |
English-Finnish-English | 21.00 | 25.62 |
English-German-English | 21.00 | 25.62 |
English-Lithuanian-English | 18.00 | 21.96 |
Post-editing of machine translation | Ask for a quote! | |
Transcription (converting audio and video recordings into written form) | Ask for a quote! | |
Other language areas | Ask for a quote! | |
Delivery from | 4.50 | 5.49 |
Proofreading from | 3.50 | 4.27 |
Interpretation service | 60.00/hour | 73.20/hour |
Layout/design from | 4.00 | 4.88 |