Estonian-German translation
German translation service
German is a language belonging to the Germanic group of the Indo-European language family, spoken as a native language by about 90 million people, mainly in Central Europe. Together with those who speak German as a foreign language, there are over 120 million speakers of German. Therefore, a very large number of people can speak German. German-Estonian and Estonian-German translations are handled by experienced translators at the Filoloogi translation agency, who have native-level command of the language. We also offer German-English-German translation services. Our translators specialize in various fields, including law, economics, technology, chemistry, IT, patents, European Union texts and medicine. This way, we guarantee professional, fast and affordable translations even for the most complex and important texts. Read more about our German-Estonian and German-English translation capabilities.
Our selection of German-Estonian-German and English-German-English translation services includes written translation services, machine translation post-editing, interpretation service, language proofreading, language editing and layout and design services. Learn more about all the services and options.
Estonian-German translation price
The price of Estonian-German translation depends on the volume and specifics of the translation work. German-Estonian translation begins 11.50€ + VAT per standard page. English-German-English translation begins 21.00€ + VAT per standard page. In Europe, a standard page is 1800 characters including spaces. The price of German-Estonian interpretation starts at 60.00€ + VAT 1habout. German-Estonian machine translation post-editing and request a separate quote for transcription by sending query to the email address or by calling +372 5556 5882. On weekdays we will respond to your inquiry within an hour.
In addition, we offer Estonian-German translation editing, proofreading, and layout and design services. You can find all German-Estonian German-English translation services and costs here. from our price list.
German-Estonian translation FAQ
Filoloog – Affordable Estonian-German translation
Filoloogi translation agency offers top-notch, fast and affordable Estonian-German and English-German translation services. We have years of reliable cooperation with many satisfied customers (Europharmacy, Tallinn University etc.). In addition to German translations, Filoloog offers post-editing of machine translation, interpreting services, language proofreading and editing, and layout and design services. Explore all translation services and options.